MotorClientSession – Sequence of operations

class motor.motor_tornado.MotorClientSession(delegate, motor_client)

A session for ordering sequential operations.

Do not create an instance of MotorClientSession directly; use MotorClient.start_session():

collection = client.db.collection

async with await client.start_session() as s:
    async with s.start_transaction():
        await collection.delete_one({'x': 1}, session=s)
        await collection.insert_one({'x': 2}, session=s)

New in version 2.0.

coroutine abort_transaction()

Abort a multi-statement transaction.

coroutine commit_transaction()

Commit a multi-statement transaction.

coroutine end_session()

Finish this session. If a transaction has started, abort it.

It is an error to use the session after the session has ended.

start_transaction(read_concern=None, write_concern=None, read_preference=None)

Start a multi-statement transaction.

Takes the same arguments as TransactionOptions.

Best used in a context manager block:

# Use "await" for start_session, but not for start_transaction.
async with await client.start_session() as s:
    async with s.start_transaction():
        await collection.delete_one({'x': 1}, session=s)
        await collection.insert_one({'x': 2}, session=s)

Update the cluster time for this session.

  • cluster_time: The cluster_time from another ClientSession instance.

Update the operation time for this session.

  • operation_time: The operation_time from another ClientSession instance.

The MotorClient this session was created from.


The cluster time returned by the last operation executed in this session.


True if this session is finished.


The operation time returned by the last operation executed in this session.


The SessionOptions this session was created with.


A BSON document, the opaque server session identifier.